Gigabytes to Bits Conversion (GB to b)

1 GB = 8000000000 b
Swap » Bits to Gigabytes 

GB: Gigabytes, b: Bits

Convert File Size Units

How Many Bits in a Gigabyte?

There are 8000000000 bits in a gigabyte.
1 Gigabyte is equal to 8000000000 Bits.
1 GB = 8000000000 b

Gigabytes to Bits Conversions

125 GB = 1000000000000 b
8 GB = 64000000000 b
1 GB = 8000000000 b
3 GB = 24000000000 b
128 GB = 1024000000000 b
4 GB = 32000000000 b
31 GB = 248000000000 b
2 GB = 16000000000 b
2.2 GB = 17600000000 b
4294967296 GB = 3.4359738368E+19 b
15 GB = 120000000000 b
10 GB = 80000000000 b
16 GB = 128000000000 b
512 GB = 4096000000000 b
1.5 GB = 12000000000 b
5 GB = 40000000000 b
55 GB = 440000000000 b
20 GB = 160000000000 b
6.6 GB = 52800000000 b
36 GB = 288000000000 b
24 GB = 192000000000 b
32 GB = 256000000000 b
12 GB = 96000000000 b
46.16 GB = 369280000000 b
25 GB = 200000000000 b
28587064000000 GB = 2.28696512E+23 b
596 GB = 4768000000000 b
3.99 GB = 31920000000 b
0 GB = 0 b
120 GB = 960000000000 b
500 GB = 4000000000000 b
4.75 GB = 38000000000 b
1000 GB = 8000000000000 b
200 GB = 1600000000000 b
7200 GB = 57600000000000 b
2.5 GB = 20000000000 b
31.7 GB = 253600000000 b
35000 GB = 2.8E+14 b
5000 GB = 40000000000000 b
9.7 GB = 77600000000 b
64 GB = 512000000000 b
60 GB = 480000000000 b
2.8 GB = 22400000000 b
18 GB = 144000000000 b
0.75 GB = 6000000000 b
6 GB = 48000000000 b
4.6 GB = 36800000000 b
158 GB = 1264000000000 b

Gigabytes Definition

One of the units for large data volume which is equal to 1 000 MB or 1 000 000 000 bytes, is called a gigabyte, and with this equivalent, a gigabyte is used in engineering, computing, business, and some other fields. For modern information technology, digital and computer science, a gigabyte is equal to 230 (or 1073741824 bytes). This unit has the symbol of GB accepted by the SI.

Convert Gigabytes

Bits Definition

A bit is the smallest unit for data volume represented with a single digital 1 or 0. It is used in digital computing and communication, information theory, quantum computing, and so on. A bit is the most fundamental unit of binary information.

Convert Bits

About GB to b Converter

This is a very easy to use gigabytes to bits converter. First of all just type the gigabytes (GB) value in the text field of the conversion form to start converting GB to b, then select the decimals value and finally hit convert button if auto calculation didn't work. Bits value will be converted automatically as you type.

The decimals value is the number of digits to be calculated or rounded of the result of gigabytes to bits conversion.

You can also check the gigabytes to bits conversion chart below, or go back to gigabytes to bits converter to top.

Gigabytes to Bits Conversion Chart
1 GB8000000000 b
2 GB16000000000 b
3 GB24000000000 b
4 GB32000000000 b
5 GB40000000000 b
6 GB48000000000 b
7 GB56000000000 b
8 GB64000000000 b
9 GB72000000000 b
10 GB80000000000 b
11 GB88000000000 b
12 GB96000000000 b
13 GB104000000000 b
14 GB112000000000 b
15 GB120000000000 b
16 GB128000000000 b
17 GB136000000000 b
18 GB144000000000 b
19 GB152000000000 b
20 GB160000000000 b
21 GB168000000000 b
22 GB176000000000 b
23 GB184000000000 b
24 GB192000000000 b
25 GB200000000000 b
26 GB208000000000 b
27 GB216000000000 b
28 GB224000000000 b
29 GB232000000000 b
30 GB240000000000 b
31 GB248000000000 b
32 GB256000000000 b
33 GB264000000000 b
34 GB272000000000 b
35 GB280000000000 b
36 GB288000000000 b
37 GB296000000000 b
38 GB304000000000 b
39 GB312000000000 b
40 GB320000000000 b
41 GB328000000000 b
42 GB336000000000 b
43 GB344000000000 b
44 GB352000000000 b
45 GB360000000000 b
46 GB368000000000 b
47 GB376000000000 b
48 GB384000000000 b
49 GB392000000000 b
50 GB400000000000 b
50 GB400000000000 b
55 GB440000000000 b
60 GB480000000000 b
65 GB520000000000 b
70 GB560000000000 b
75 GB600000000000 b
80 GB640000000000 b
85 GB680000000000 b
90 GB720000000000 b
95 GB760000000000 b
100 GB800000000000 b
105 GB840000000000 b
110 GB880000000000 b
115 GB920000000000 b
120 GB960000000000 b
125 GB1000000000000 b
130 GB1040000000000 b
135 GB1080000000000 b
140 GB1120000000000 b
145 GB1160000000000 b
150 GB1200000000000 b
155 GB1240000000000 b
160 GB1280000000000 b
165 GB1320000000000 b
170 GB1360000000000 b
175 GB1400000000000 b
180 GB1440000000000 b
185 GB1480000000000 b
190 GB1520000000000 b
195 GB1560000000000 b
200 GB1600000000000 b
205 GB1640000000000 b
210 GB1680000000000 b
215 GB1720000000000 b
220 GB1760000000000 b
225 GB1800000000000 b
230 GB1840000000000 b
235 GB1880000000000 b
240 GB1920000000000 b
245 GB1960000000000 b
250 GB2000000000000 b
255 GB2040000000000 b
260 GB2080000000000 b
265 GB2120000000000 b
270 GB2160000000000 b
275 GB2200000000000 b
280 GB2240000000000 b
285 GB2280000000000 b
290 GB2320000000000 b
295 GB2360000000000 b

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