Cubic Feet to Cubic Meter Conversion (ft³ to m³)
How Many Cubic Meter in a Cubic Foot?
There are 0.028316846591991 cubic meter in a cubic foot.
1 Cubic Foot is equal to 0.028316846591991 Cubic Meter.
1 ft³ = 0.028316846591991 m³
Cubic Feet to Cubic Meter Conversions
Cubic Feet Definition
A cubic foot (pl cubic feet) is a unit of measuring volume used by those countries who recognize the Imperial system and the US customary system (the US, the UK, a series of countries in African and the Pacific regions, etc.) A cubic foot is equal to the volume of a cube with each side of 0.3048 meter, or 1 foot. Thus, the volume represented by this unit is equal to approximately 1/35th of a cubic meter, or 28.3168 liters.
Convert Cubic FeetCubic Meter Definition
A base unit of measurement for volume, a cubic meter is representing the volume which is equal to the one of a cube with 1 meter at each side. This unit is very popular and very widely used around the world even in the countries like the UK, the US, and other ones which adopted the Imperial system. One cubic meter is equal to 1,000 liters, roughly 1.31 cubic yards, or roughly 35.3 cubic feet.
Convert Cubic MeterAbout ft³ to m³ Converter
This is a very easy to use cubic feet to cubic meter converter. First of all just type the cubic feet (ft³) value in the text field of the conversion form to start converting ft³ to m³, then select the decimals value and finally hit convert button if auto calculation didn't work. Cubic Meter value will be converted automatically as you type.
The decimals value is the number of digits to be calculated or rounded of the result of cubic feet to cubic meter conversion.
You can also check the cubic feet to cubic meter conversion chart below, or go back to cubic feet to cubic meter converter to top.
Cubic Feet to Cubic Meter Conversion Chart
Cubic Feet | Cubic Meter |
1 ft³ | 0.028316846591991 m³ |
2 ft³ | 0.056633693183982 m³ |
3 ft³ | 0.084950539775973 m³ |
4 ft³ | 0.11326738636796 m³ |
5 ft³ | 0.14158423295995 m³ |
6 ft³ | 0.16990107955195 m³ |
7 ft³ | 0.19821792614394 m³ |
8 ft³ | 0.22653477273593 m³ |
9 ft³ | 0.25485161932792 m³ |
10 ft³ | 0.28316846591991 m³ |
11 ft³ | 0.3114853125119 m³ |
12 ft³ | 0.33980215910389 m³ |
13 ft³ | 0.36811900569588 m³ |
14 ft³ | 0.39643585228787 m³ |
15 ft³ | 0.42475269887986 m³ |
16 ft³ | 0.45306954547185 m³ |
17 ft³ | 0.48138639206384 m³ |
18 ft³ | 0.50970323865584 m³ |
19 ft³ | 0.53802008524783 m³ |
20 ft³ | 0.56633693183982 m³ |
21 ft³ | 0.59465377843181 m³ |
22 ft³ | 0.6229706250238 m³ |
23 ft³ | 0.65128747161579 m³ |
24 ft³ | 0.67960431820778 m³ |
25 ft³ | 0.70792116479977 m³ |
26 ft³ | 0.73623801139176 m³ |
27 ft³ | 0.76455485798375 m³ |
28 ft³ | 0.79287170457574 m³ |
29 ft³ | 0.82118855116773 m³ |
30 ft³ | 0.84950539775973 m³ |
31 ft³ | 0.87782224435172 m³ |
32 ft³ | 0.90613909094371 m³ |
33 ft³ | 0.9344559375357 m³ |
34 ft³ | 0.96277278412769 m³ |
35 ft³ | 0.99108963071968 m³ |
36 ft³ | 1.0194064773117 m³ |
37 ft³ | 1.0477233239037 m³ |
38 ft³ | 1.0760401704957 m³ |
39 ft³ | 1.1043570170876 m³ |
40 ft³ | 1.1326738636796 m³ |
41 ft³ | 1.1609907102716 m³ |
42 ft³ | 1.1893075568636 m³ |
43 ft³ | 1.2176244034556 m³ |
44 ft³ | 1.2459412500476 m³ |
45 ft³ | 1.2742580966396 m³ |
46 ft³ | 1.3025749432316 m³ |
47 ft³ | 1.3308917898236 m³ |
48 ft³ | 1.3592086364156 m³ |
49 ft³ | 1.3875254830076 m³ |
50 ft³ | 1.4158423295995 m³ |
Cubic Feet | Cubic Meter |
50 ft³ | 1.4158423295995 m³ |
55 ft³ | 1.5574265625595 m³ |
60 ft³ | 1.6990107955195 m³ |
65 ft³ | 1.8405950284794 m³ |
70 ft³ | 1.9821792614394 m³ |
75 ft³ | 2.1237634943993 m³ |
80 ft³ | 2.2653477273593 m³ |
85 ft³ | 2.4069319603192 m³ |
90 ft³ | 2.5485161932792 m³ |
95 ft³ | 2.6901004262391 m³ |
100 ft³ | 2.8316846591991 m³ |
105 ft³ | 2.973268892159 m³ |
110 ft³ | 3.114853125119 m³ |
115 ft³ | 3.2564373580789 m³ |
120 ft³ | 3.3980215910389 m³ |
125 ft³ | 3.5396058239989 m³ |
130 ft³ | 3.6811900569588 m³ |
135 ft³ | 3.8227742899188 m³ |
140 ft³ | 3.9643585228787 m³ |
145 ft³ | 4.1059427558387 m³ |
150 ft³ | 4.2475269887986 m³ |
155 ft³ | 4.3891112217586 m³ |
160 ft³ | 4.5306954547185 m³ |
165 ft³ | 4.6722796876785 m³ |
170 ft³ | 4.8138639206384 m³ |
175 ft³ | 4.9554481535984 m³ |
180 ft³ | 5.0970323865584 m³ |
185 ft³ | 5.2386166195183 m³ |
190 ft³ | 5.3802008524783 m³ |
195 ft³ | 5.5217850854382 m³ |
200 ft³ | 5.6633693183982 m³ |
205 ft³ | 5.8049535513581 m³ |
210 ft³ | 5.9465377843181 m³ |
215 ft³ | 6.088122017278 m³ |
220 ft³ | 6.229706250238 m³ |
225 ft³ | 6.3712904831979 m³ |
230 ft³ | 6.5128747161579 m³ |
235 ft³ | 6.6544589491179 m³ |
240 ft³ | 6.7960431820778 m³ |
245 ft³ | 6.9376274150378 m³ |
250 ft³ | 7.0792116479977 m³ |
255 ft³ | 7.2207958809577 m³ |
260 ft³ | 7.3623801139176 m³ |
265 ft³ | 7.5039643468776 m³ |
270 ft³ | 7.6455485798375 m³ |
275 ft³ | 7.7871328127975 m³ |
280 ft³ | 7.9287170457574 m³ |
285 ft³ | 8.0703012787174 m³ |
290 ft³ | 8.2118855116773 m³ |
295 ft³ | 8.3534697446373 m³ |