Cubic Inches to Cup Conversion (in³ to cup)

1 in³ = 0.069264069268488 cup
Swap » Cup to Cubic Inches 

in³: Cubic Inches, cup: Cup

Convert Volume Units

How Many Cup in a Cubic Inch?

There are 0.069264069268488 cup in a cubic inch.
1 Cubic Inch is equal to 0.069264069268488 Cup.
1 in³ = 0.069264069268488 cup

Cubic Inches to Cup Conversions

144 in³ = 9.974026 cup
27 in³ = 1.87013 cup
210 in³ = 14.545455 cup
1 in³ = 0.069264 cup
12 in³ = 0.831169 cup
8 in³ = 0.554113 cup
237 in³ = 16.415584 cup
17 in³ = 1.177489 cup
162 in³ = 11.220779 cup
602.88 in³ = 41.757922 cup
44.125 in³ = 3.056277 cup
561 in³ = 38.857143 cup
1767 in³ = 122.38961 cup
47.5 in³ = 3.290043 cup
182 in³ = 12.606061 cup
21.21 in³ = 1.469091 cup
165 in³ = 11.428571 cup
100 in³ = 6.926407 cup
23 in³ = 1.593074 cup
20.5 in³ = 1.419913 cup
48 in³ = 3.324675 cup
570 in³ = 39.480519 cup
0.018338 in³ = 0.00127 cup
32 in³ = 2.21645 cup
2025 in³ = 140.25974 cup
760 in³ = 52.640693 cup
130 in³ = 9.004329 cup
35 in³ = 2.424242 cup
0.2214 in³ = 0.015335 cup
128 in³ = 8.865801 cup
288 in³ = 19.948052 cup
108 in³ = 7.480519 cup
72 in³ = 4.987013 cup
12.5 in³ = 0.865801 cup
225 in³ = 15.584416 cup
78.6 in³ = 5.444156 cup
57 in³ = 3.948052 cup
11 in³ = 0.761905 cup
25 in³ = 1.731602 cup
240.53 in³ = 16.660087 cup
-9.0E-6 in³ = -1.0E-6 cup
10.4 in³ = 0.720346 cup
8.8 in³ = 0.609524 cup
120 in³ = 8.311688 cup
140 in³ = 9.69697 cup
230 in³ = 15.930736 cup
275 in³ = 19.047619 cup
321321 in³ = 22256.000001 cup

Cubic Inches Definition

One of the most commonly used unit of volume measurement in the Imperial and the US customary system, a cubic inch is equal to the volume of a cube with one inch at each of its side. The unit has got symbols of cu in, cui, or in3. A cubic inch is equal to 1/123 cubic feet, or 16.387064 milliliters, or approximately 1 tablespoon.

Convert Cubic Inches

Cup Definition

A cup is a very commonly used unit of volume measurement, especially for measuring small volumes at the kitchen or in the garden. 1 cup is the unit approved by the Imperial system and the US customary system, and it is equal to 250 milliliters. There are actually a few types of cups sued around the world, including the US legal cup, Imperial cup, Japanese cup, etc., and they all are different in terms of the value.

Convert Cup

About in³ to cup Converter

This is a very easy to use cubic inches to cup converter. First of all just type the cubic inches (in³) value in the text field of the conversion form to start converting in³ to cup, then select the decimals value and finally hit convert button if auto calculation didn't work. Cup value will be converted automatically as you type.

The decimals value is the number of digits to be calculated or rounded of the result of cubic inches to cup conversion.

You can also check the cubic inches to cup conversion chart below, or go back to cubic inches to cup converter to top.

Cubic Inches to Cup Conversion Chart
Cubic InchesCup
1 in³0.069264069268488 cup
2 in³0.13852813853698 cup
3 in³0.20779220780546 cup
4 in³0.27705627707395 cup
5 in³0.34632034634244 cup
6 in³0.41558441561093 cup
7 in³0.48484848487941 cup
8 in³0.5541125541479 cup
9 in³0.62337662341639 cup
10 in³0.69264069268488 cup
11 in³0.76190476195336 cup
12 in³0.83116883122185 cup
13 in³0.90043290049034 cup
14 in³0.96969696975883 cup
15 in³1.0389610390273 cup
16 in³1.1082251082958 cup
17 in³1.1774891775643 cup
18 in³1.2467532468328 cup
19 in³1.3160173161013 cup
20 in³1.3852813853698 cup
21 in³1.4545454546382 cup
22 in³1.5238095239067 cup
23 in³1.5930735931752 cup
24 in³1.6623376624437 cup
25 in³1.7316017317122 cup
26 in³1.8008658009807 cup
27 in³1.8701298702492 cup
28 in³1.9393939395177 cup
29 in³2.0086580087861 cup
30 in³2.0779220780546 cup
31 in³2.1471861473231 cup
32 in³2.2164502165916 cup
33 in³2.2857142858601 cup
34 in³2.3549783551286 cup
35 in³2.4242424243971 cup
36 in³2.4935064936656 cup
37 in³2.562770562934 cup
38 in³2.6320346322025 cup
39 in³2.701298701471 cup
40 in³2.7705627707395 cup
41 in³2.839826840008 cup
42 in³2.9090909092765 cup
43 in³2.978354978545 cup
44 in³3.0476190478135 cup
45 in³3.1168831170819 cup
46 in³3.1861471863504 cup
47 in³3.2554112556189 cup
48 in³3.3246753248874 cup
49 in³3.3939393941559 cup
50 in³3.4632034634244 cup
Cubic InchesCup
50 in³3.4632034634244 cup
55 in³3.8095238097668 cup
60 in³4.1558441561093 cup
65 in³4.5021645024517 cup
70 in³4.8484848487941 cup
75 in³5.1948051951366 cup
80 in³5.541125541479 cup
85 in³5.8874458878214 cup
90 in³6.2337662341639 cup
95 in³6.5800865805063 cup
100 in³6.9264069268488 cup
105 in³7.2727272731912 cup
110 in³7.6190476195336 cup
115 in³7.9653679658761 cup
120 in³8.3116883122185 cup
125 in³8.658008658561 cup
130 in³9.0043290049034 cup
135 in³9.3506493512458 cup
140 in³9.6969696975883 cup
145 in³10.043290043931 cup
150 in³10.389610390273 cup
155 in³10.735930736616 cup
160 in³11.082251082958 cup
165 in³11.4285714293 cup
170 in³11.774891775643 cup
175 in³12.121212121985 cup
180 in³12.467532468328 cup
185 in³12.81385281467 cup
190 in³13.160173161013 cup
195 in³13.506493507355 cup
200 in³13.852813853698 cup
205 in³14.19913420004 cup
210 in³14.545454546382 cup
215 in³14.891774892725 cup
220 in³15.238095239067 cup
225 in³15.58441558541 cup
230 in³15.930735931752 cup
235 in³16.277056278095 cup
240 in³16.623376624437 cup
245 in³16.969696970779 cup
250 in³17.316017317122 cup
255 in³17.662337663464 cup
260 in³18.008658009807 cup
265 in³18.354978356149 cup
270 in³18.701298702492 cup
275 in³19.047619048834 cup
280 in³19.393939395177 cup
285 in³19.740259741519 cup
290 in³20.086580087861 cup
295 in³20.432900434204 cup

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