Cup to Cubic Feet Conversion (cup to ft³)
How Many Cubic Feet in a Cup?
There are 0.008355034721692 cubic feet in a cup.
1 Cup is equal to 0.008355034721692 Cubic Feet.
1 cup = 0.008355034721692 ft³
Cup to Cubic Feet Conversions
Cup Definition
A cup is a very commonly used unit of volume measurement, especially for measuring small volumes at the kitchen or in the garden. 1 cup is the unit approved by the Imperial system and the US customary system, and it is equal to 250 milliliters. There are actually a few types of cups sued around the world, including the US legal cup, Imperial cup, Japanese cup, etc., and they all are different in terms of the value.
Convert CupCubic Feet Definition
A cubic foot (pl cubic feet) is a unit of measuring volume used by those countries who recognize the Imperial system and the US customary system (the US, the UK, a series of countries in African and the Pacific regions, etc.) A cubic foot is equal to the volume of a cube with each side of 0.3048 meter, or 1 foot. Thus, the volume represented by this unit is equal to approximately 1/35th of a cubic meter, or 28.3168 liters.
Convert Cubic FeetAbout cup to ft³ Converter
This is a very easy to use cup to cubic feet converter. First of all just type the cup (cup) value in the text field of the conversion form to start converting cup to ft³, then select the decimals value and finally hit convert button if auto calculation didn't work. Cubic Feet value will be converted automatically as you type.
The decimals value is the number of digits to be calculated or rounded of the result of cup to cubic feet conversion.
You can also check the cup to cubic feet conversion chart below, or go back to cup to cubic feet converter to top.
Cup to Cubic Feet Conversion Chart
Cup | Cubic Feet |
1 cup | 0.008355034721692 ft³ |
2 cup | 0.016710069443384 ft³ |
3 cup | 0.025065104165076 ft³ |
4 cup | 0.033420138886768 ft³ |
5 cup | 0.04177517360846 ft³ |
6 cup | 0.050130208330152 ft³ |
7 cup | 0.058485243051844 ft³ |
8 cup | 0.066840277773536 ft³ |
9 cup | 0.075195312495228 ft³ |
10 cup | 0.08355034721692 ft³ |
11 cup | 0.091905381938611 ft³ |
12 cup | 0.1002604166603 ft³ |
13 cup | 0.108615451382 ft³ |
14 cup | 0.11697048610369 ft³ |
15 cup | 0.12532552082538 ft³ |
16 cup | 0.13368055554707 ft³ |
17 cup | 0.14203559026876 ft³ |
18 cup | 0.15039062499046 ft³ |
19 cup | 0.15874565971215 ft³ |
20 cup | 0.16710069443384 ft³ |
21 cup | 0.17545572915553 ft³ |
22 cup | 0.18381076387722 ft³ |
23 cup | 0.19216579859891 ft³ |
24 cup | 0.20052083332061 ft³ |
25 cup | 0.2088758680423 ft³ |
26 cup | 0.21723090276399 ft³ |
27 cup | 0.22558593748568 ft³ |
28 cup | 0.23394097220737 ft³ |
29 cup | 0.24229600692907 ft³ |
30 cup | 0.25065104165076 ft³ |
31 cup | 0.25900607637245 ft³ |
32 cup | 0.26736111109414 ft³ |
33 cup | 0.27571614581583 ft³ |
34 cup | 0.28407118053753 ft³ |
35 cup | 0.29242621525922 ft³ |
36 cup | 0.30078124998091 ft³ |
37 cup | 0.3091362847026 ft³ |
38 cup | 0.31749131942429 ft³ |
39 cup | 0.32584635414599 ft³ |
40 cup | 0.33420138886768 ft³ |
41 cup | 0.34255642358937 ft³ |
42 cup | 0.35091145831106 ft³ |
43 cup | 0.35926649303275 ft³ |
44 cup | 0.36762152775445 ft³ |
45 cup | 0.37597656247614 ft³ |
46 cup | 0.38433159719783 ft³ |
47 cup | 0.39268663191952 ft³ |
48 cup | 0.40104166664121 ft³ |
49 cup | 0.40939670136291 ft³ |
50 cup | 0.4177517360846 ft³ |
Cup | Cubic Feet |
50 cup | 0.4177517360846 ft³ |
55 cup | 0.45952690969306 ft³ |
60 cup | 0.50130208330152 ft³ |
65 cup | 0.54307725690998 ft³ |
70 cup | 0.58485243051844 ft³ |
75 cup | 0.6266276041269 ft³ |
80 cup | 0.66840277773536 ft³ |
85 cup | 0.71017795134382 ft³ |
90 cup | 0.75195312495228 ft³ |
95 cup | 0.79372829856074 ft³ |
100 cup | 0.8355034721692 ft³ |
105 cup | 0.87727864577765 ft³ |
110 cup | 0.91905381938611 ft³ |
115 cup | 0.96082899299457 ft³ |
120 cup | 1.002604166603 ft³ |
125 cup | 1.0443793402115 ft³ |
130 cup | 1.08615451382 ft³ |
135 cup | 1.1279296874284 ft³ |
140 cup | 1.1697048610369 ft³ |
145 cup | 1.2114800346453 ft³ |
150 cup | 1.2532552082538 ft³ |
155 cup | 1.2950303818623 ft³ |
160 cup | 1.3368055554707 ft³ |
165 cup | 1.3785807290792 ft³ |
170 cup | 1.4203559026876 ft³ |
175 cup | 1.4621310762961 ft³ |
180 cup | 1.5039062499046 ft³ |
185 cup | 1.545681423513 ft³ |
190 cup | 1.5874565971215 ft³ |
195 cup | 1.6292317707299 ft³ |
200 cup | 1.6710069443384 ft³ |
205 cup | 1.7127821179469 ft³ |
210 cup | 1.7545572915553 ft³ |
215 cup | 1.7963324651638 ft³ |
220 cup | 1.8381076387722 ft³ |
225 cup | 1.8798828123807 ft³ |
230 cup | 1.9216579859891 ft³ |
235 cup | 1.9634331595976 ft³ |
240 cup | 2.0052083332061 ft³ |
245 cup | 2.0469835068145 ft³ |
250 cup | 2.088758680423 ft³ |
255 cup | 2.1305338540314 ft³ |
260 cup | 2.1723090276399 ft³ |
265 cup | 2.2140842012484 ft³ |
270 cup | 2.2558593748568 ft³ |
275 cup | 2.2976345484653 ft³ |
280 cup | 2.3394097220737 ft³ |
285 cup | 2.3811848956822 ft³ |
290 cup | 2.4229600692907 ft³ |
295 cup | 2.4647352428991 ft³ |