Drop to Cubic Centimeter Conversion (drop to cm³)
How Many Cubic Centimeter in a Drop?
There are 0.0648524 cubic centimeter in a drop.
1 Drop is equal to 0.0648524 Cubic Centimeter.
1 drop = 0.0648524 cm³
Drop to Cubic Centimeter Conversions
Drop Definition
Used very commonly in medicine and cooking, a drop is a unit of volume defined as the volume of a liquid in one drop. It has been used since the 19th century and is considered one of the most roughly specified units of volume. Undoubtedly, the volume of a drop depends on the method or device used for producing drops.
Convert DropCubic Centimeter Definition
A cubic centimeter is a unit of volume accepted and widely used in the countries recognizing the SI standards. This unit is corresponding to the volume equal to the one of a cube with 1 cm each side. Therefore, one cubic centimeter is equal to 1/1 000 000th of a cubic meter. It is also roughly equal to 1 ml, or 1/1000th of cubic liter. The symbol of a cubic centimeter is cc, and this volume unit is very widely used in such fields as medicine, engineering, technology, etc.
Convert Cubic CentimeterAbout drop to cm³ Converter
This is a very easy to use drop to cubic centimeter converter. First of all just type the drop (drop) value in the text field of the conversion form to start converting drop to cm³, then select the decimals value and finally hit convert button if auto calculation didn't work. Cubic Centimeter value will be converted automatically as you type.
The decimals value is the number of digits to be calculated or rounded of the result of drop to cubic centimeter conversion.
You can also check the drop to cubic centimeter conversion chart below, or go back to drop to cubic centimeter converter to top.
Drop to Cubic Centimeter Conversion Chart
Drop | Cubic Centimeter |
1 drop | 0.0648524 cm³ |
2 drop | 0.1297048 cm³ |
3 drop | 0.1945572 cm³ |
4 drop | 0.2594096 cm³ |
5 drop | 0.324262 cm³ |
6 drop | 0.3891144 cm³ |
7 drop | 0.4539668 cm³ |
8 drop | 0.5188192 cm³ |
9 drop | 0.5836716 cm³ |
10 drop | 0.648524 cm³ |
11 drop | 0.7133764 cm³ |
12 drop | 0.7782288 cm³ |
13 drop | 0.8430812 cm³ |
14 drop | 0.9079336 cm³ |
15 drop | 0.972786 cm³ |
16 drop | 1.0376384 cm³ |
17 drop | 1.1024908 cm³ |
18 drop | 1.1673432 cm³ |
19 drop | 1.2321956 cm³ |
20 drop | 1.297048 cm³ |
21 drop | 1.3619004 cm³ |
22 drop | 1.4267528 cm³ |
23 drop | 1.4916052 cm³ |
24 drop | 1.5564576 cm³ |
25 drop | 1.62131 cm³ |
26 drop | 1.6861624 cm³ |
27 drop | 1.7510148 cm³ |
28 drop | 1.8158672 cm³ |
29 drop | 1.8807196 cm³ |
30 drop | 1.945572 cm³ |
31 drop | 2.0104244 cm³ |
32 drop | 2.0752768 cm³ |
33 drop | 2.1401292 cm³ |
34 drop | 2.2049816 cm³ |
35 drop | 2.269834 cm³ |
36 drop | 2.3346864 cm³ |
37 drop | 2.3995388 cm³ |
38 drop | 2.4643912 cm³ |
39 drop | 2.5292436 cm³ |
40 drop | 2.594096 cm³ |
41 drop | 2.6589484 cm³ |
42 drop | 2.7238008 cm³ |
43 drop | 2.7886532 cm³ |
44 drop | 2.8535056 cm³ |
45 drop | 2.918358 cm³ |
46 drop | 2.9832104 cm³ |
47 drop | 3.0480628 cm³ |
48 drop | 3.1129152 cm³ |
49 drop | 3.1777676 cm³ |
50 drop | 3.24262 cm³ |
Drop | Cubic Centimeter |
50 drop | 3.24262 cm³ |
55 drop | 3.566882 cm³ |
60 drop | 3.891144 cm³ |
65 drop | 4.215406 cm³ |
70 drop | 4.539668 cm³ |
75 drop | 4.86393 cm³ |
80 drop | 5.188192 cm³ |
85 drop | 5.512454 cm³ |
90 drop | 5.836716 cm³ |
95 drop | 6.160978 cm³ |
100 drop | 6.48524 cm³ |
105 drop | 6.809502 cm³ |
110 drop | 7.133764 cm³ |
115 drop | 7.458026 cm³ |
120 drop | 7.782288 cm³ |
125 drop | 8.10655 cm³ |
130 drop | 8.430812 cm³ |
135 drop | 8.755074 cm³ |
140 drop | 9.079336 cm³ |
145 drop | 9.403598 cm³ |
150 drop | 9.72786 cm³ |
155 drop | 10.052122 cm³ |
160 drop | 10.376384 cm³ |
165 drop | 10.700646 cm³ |
170 drop | 11.024908 cm³ |
175 drop | 11.34917 cm³ |
180 drop | 11.673432 cm³ |
185 drop | 11.997694 cm³ |
190 drop | 12.321956 cm³ |
195 drop | 12.646218 cm³ |
200 drop | 12.97048 cm³ |
205 drop | 13.294742 cm³ |
210 drop | 13.619004 cm³ |
215 drop | 13.943266 cm³ |
220 drop | 14.267528 cm³ |
225 drop | 14.59179 cm³ |
230 drop | 14.916052 cm³ |
235 drop | 15.240314 cm³ |
240 drop | 15.564576 cm³ |
245 drop | 15.888838 cm³ |
250 drop | 16.2131 cm³ |
255 drop | 16.537362 cm³ |
260 drop | 16.861624 cm³ |
265 drop | 17.185886 cm³ |
270 drop | 17.510148 cm³ |
275 drop | 17.83441 cm³ |
280 drop | 18.158672 cm³ |
285 drop | 18.482934 cm³ |
290 drop | 18.807196 cm³ |
295 drop | 19.131458 cm³ |