Gallon to Cubic Feet Conversion (gal to ft³)
How Many Cubic Feet in a Gallon?
There are 0.13368055555562 cubic feet in a gallon.
1 Gallon is equal to 0.13368055555562 Cubic Feet.
1 gal = 0.13368055555562 ft³
Gallon to Cubic Feet Conversions
Gallon Definition
A gallon is a unit of volume measurement used widely in the US and a few other countries of the world. The US gallon is usually used for measuring volume of liquid or gaseous substances like gasoline, other types of fuel, etc. One US gallon is equal to roughly 3.79 liters, or 231 cubic inches.
Convert GallonCubic Feet Definition
A cubic foot (pl cubic feet) is a unit of measuring volume used by those countries who recognize the Imperial system and the US customary system (the US, the UK, a series of countries in African and the Pacific regions, etc.) A cubic foot is equal to the volume of a cube with each side of 0.3048 meter, or 1 foot. Thus, the volume represented by this unit is equal to approximately 1/35th of a cubic meter, or 28.3168 liters.
Convert Cubic FeetAbout gal to ft³ Converter
This is a very easy to use gallon to cubic feet converter. First of all just type the gallon (gal) value in the text field of the conversion form to start converting gal to ft³, then select the decimals value and finally hit convert button if auto calculation didn't work. Cubic Feet value will be converted automatically as you type.
The decimals value is the number of digits to be calculated or rounded of the result of gallon to cubic feet conversion.
You can also check the gallon to cubic feet conversion chart below, or go back to gallon to cubic feet converter to top.
Gallon to Cubic Feet Conversion Chart
Gallon | Cubic Feet |
1 gal | 0.13368055555562 ft³ |
2 gal | 0.26736111111125 ft³ |
3 gal | 0.40104166666687 ft³ |
4 gal | 0.53472222222249 ft³ |
5 gal | 0.66840277777812 ft³ |
6 gal | 0.80208333333374 ft³ |
7 gal | 0.93576388888936 ft³ |
8 gal | 1.069444444445 ft³ |
9 gal | 1.2031250000006 ft³ |
10 gal | 1.3368055555562 ft³ |
11 gal | 1.4704861111119 ft³ |
12 gal | 1.6041666666675 ft³ |
13 gal | 1.7378472222231 ft³ |
14 gal | 1.8715277777787 ft³ |
15 gal | 2.0052083333343 ft³ |
16 gal | 2.13888888889 ft³ |
17 gal | 2.2725694444456 ft³ |
18 gal | 2.4062500000012 ft³ |
19 gal | 2.5399305555568 ft³ |
20 gal | 2.6736111111125 ft³ |
21 gal | 2.8072916666681 ft³ |
22 gal | 2.9409722222237 ft³ |
23 gal | 3.0746527777793 ft³ |
24 gal | 3.208333333335 ft³ |
25 gal | 3.3420138888906 ft³ |
26 gal | 3.4756944444462 ft³ |
27 gal | 3.6093750000018 ft³ |
28 gal | 3.7430555555575 ft³ |
29 gal | 3.8767361111131 ft³ |
30 gal | 4.0104166666687 ft³ |
31 gal | 4.1440972222243 ft³ |
32 gal | 4.2777777777799 ft³ |
33 gal | 4.4114583333356 ft³ |
34 gal | 4.5451388888912 ft³ |
35 gal | 4.6788194444468 ft³ |
36 gal | 4.8125000000024 ft³ |
37 gal | 4.9461805555581 ft³ |
38 gal | 5.0798611111137 ft³ |
39 gal | 5.2135416666693 ft³ |
40 gal | 5.3472222222249 ft³ |
41 gal | 5.4809027777806 ft³ |
42 gal | 5.6145833333362 ft³ |
43 gal | 5.7482638888918 ft³ |
44 gal | 5.8819444444474 ft³ |
45 gal | 6.015625000003 ft³ |
46 gal | 6.1493055555587 ft³ |
47 gal | 6.2829861111143 ft³ |
48 gal | 6.4166666666699 ft³ |
49 gal | 6.5503472222255 ft³ |
50 gal | 6.6840277777812 ft³ |
Gallon | Cubic Feet |
50 gal | 6.6840277777812 ft³ |
55 gal | 7.3524305555593 ft³ |
60 gal | 8.0208333333374 ft³ |
65 gal | 8.6892361111155 ft³ |
70 gal | 9.3576388888936 ft³ |
75 gal | 10.026041666672 ft³ |
80 gal | 10.69444444445 ft³ |
85 gal | 11.362847222228 ft³ |
90 gal | 12.031250000006 ft³ |
95 gal | 12.699652777784 ft³ |
100 gal | 13.368055555562 ft³ |
105 gal | 14.03645833334 ft³ |
110 gal | 14.704861111119 ft³ |
115 gal | 15.373263888897 ft³ |
120 gal | 16.041666666675 ft³ |
125 gal | 16.710069444453 ft³ |
130 gal | 17.378472222231 ft³ |
135 gal | 18.046875000009 ft³ |
140 gal | 18.715277777787 ft³ |
145 gal | 19.383680555565 ft³ |
150 gal | 20.052083333343 ft³ |
155 gal | 20.720486111122 ft³ |
160 gal | 21.3888888889 ft³ |
165 gal | 22.057291666678 ft³ |
170 gal | 22.725694444456 ft³ |
175 gal | 23.394097222234 ft³ |
180 gal | 24.062500000012 ft³ |
185 gal | 24.73090277779 ft³ |
190 gal | 25.399305555568 ft³ |
195 gal | 26.067708333347 ft³ |
200 gal | 26.736111111125 ft³ |
205 gal | 27.404513888903 ft³ |
210 gal | 28.072916666681 ft³ |
215 gal | 28.741319444459 ft³ |
220 gal | 29.409722222237 ft³ |
225 gal | 30.078125000015 ft³ |
230 gal | 30.746527777793 ft³ |
235 gal | 31.414930555571 ft³ |
240 gal | 32.08333333335 ft³ |
245 gal | 32.751736111128 ft³ |
250 gal | 33.420138888906 ft³ |
255 gal | 34.088541666684 ft³ |
260 gal | 34.756944444462 ft³ |
265 gal | 35.42534722224 ft³ |
270 gal | 36.093750000018 ft³ |
275 gal | 36.762152777796 ft³ |
280 gal | 37.430555555575 ft³ |
285 gal | 38.098958333353 ft³ |
290 gal | 38.767361111131 ft³ |
295 gal | 39.435763888909 ft³ |