Milliliter to Teaspoon Conversion (mL to tsp)
How Many Teaspoon in a Milliliter?
There are 0.2028841362 teaspoon in a milliliter.
1 Milliliter is equal to 0.2028841362 Teaspoon.
1 mL = 0.2028841362 tsp
Milliliter to Teaspoon Conversions
Milliliter Definition
A unit of volume equal to 10−3 liter is a non-metric unit known as a milliliter. It is equivalent to 1 cubic centimeter in the SI. With the symbol ml, this unit is commonly used in medicine or cooking, both in the countries who use the Imperial system, or SI.
Convert MilliliterTeaspoon Definition
A teaspoon as a volume measuring unit is widely used in cooking, pharmaceutical medicine, and some other areas. A teaspoon is a very convenient unit of volume used since the middle of the 17th century. It is roughly equal to 1/3rd of a tablespoon, 1/48th of a US cup, 1/3rd of a cubic inch, or 5 mL. This unit can be abbreviated to tsp.
Convert TeaspoonAbout mL to tsp Converter
This is a very easy to use milliliter to teaspoon converter. First of all just type the milliliter (mL) value in the text field of the conversion form to start converting mL to tsp, then select the decimals value and finally hit convert button if auto calculation didn't work. Teaspoon value will be converted automatically as you type.
The decimals value is the number of digits to be calculated or rounded of the result of milliliter to teaspoon conversion.
You can also check the milliliter to teaspoon conversion chart below, or go back to milliliter to teaspoon converter to top.
Milliliter to Teaspoon Conversion Chart
Milliliter | Teaspoon |
1 mL | 0.2028841362 tsp |
2 mL | 0.4057682724 tsp |
3 mL | 0.6086524086 tsp |
4 mL | 0.8115365448 tsp |
5 mL | 1.014420681 tsp |
6 mL | 1.2173048172 tsp |
7 mL | 1.4201889534 tsp |
8 mL | 1.6230730896 tsp |
9 mL | 1.8259572258 tsp |
10 mL | 2.028841362 tsp |
11 mL | 2.2317254982 tsp |
12 mL | 2.4346096344 tsp |
13 mL | 2.6374937706 tsp |
14 mL | 2.8403779068 tsp |
15 mL | 3.043262043 tsp |
16 mL | 3.2461461792 tsp |
17 mL | 3.4490303154 tsp |
18 mL | 3.6519144516 tsp |
19 mL | 3.8547985878 tsp |
20 mL | 4.057682724 tsp |
21 mL | 4.2605668602 tsp |
22 mL | 4.4634509964 tsp |
23 mL | 4.6663351326 tsp |
24 mL | 4.8692192688 tsp |
25 mL | 5.072103405 tsp |
26 mL | 5.2749875412 tsp |
27 mL | 5.4778716774 tsp |
28 mL | 5.6807558136 tsp |
29 mL | 5.8836399498 tsp |
30 mL | 6.086524086 tsp |
31 mL | 6.2894082222 tsp |
32 mL | 6.4922923584 tsp |
33 mL | 6.6951764946 tsp |
34 mL | 6.8980606308 tsp |
35 mL | 7.100944767 tsp |
36 mL | 7.3038289032 tsp |
37 mL | 7.5067130394 tsp |
38 mL | 7.7095971756 tsp |
39 mL | 7.9124813118 tsp |
40 mL | 8.115365448 tsp |
41 mL | 8.3182495842 tsp |
42 mL | 8.5211337204 tsp |
43 mL | 8.7240178566 tsp |
44 mL | 8.9269019928 tsp |
45 mL | 9.129786129 tsp |
46 mL | 9.3326702652 tsp |
47 mL | 9.5355544014 tsp |
48 mL | 9.7384385376 tsp |
49 mL | 9.9413226738 tsp |
50 mL | 10.14420681 tsp |
Milliliter | Teaspoon |
50 mL | 10.14420681 tsp |
55 mL | 11.158627491 tsp |
60 mL | 12.173048172 tsp |
65 mL | 13.187468853 tsp |
70 mL | 14.201889534 tsp |
75 mL | 15.216310215 tsp |
80 mL | 16.230730896 tsp |
85 mL | 17.245151577 tsp |
90 mL | 18.259572258 tsp |
95 mL | 19.273992939 tsp |
100 mL | 20.28841362 tsp |
105 mL | 21.302834301 tsp |
110 mL | 22.317254982 tsp |
115 mL | 23.331675663 tsp |
120 mL | 24.346096344 tsp |
125 mL | 25.360517025 tsp |
130 mL | 26.374937706 tsp |
135 mL | 27.389358387 tsp |
140 mL | 28.403779068 tsp |
145 mL | 29.418199749 tsp |
150 mL | 30.43262043 tsp |
155 mL | 31.447041111 tsp |
160 mL | 32.461461792 tsp |
165 mL | 33.475882473 tsp |
170 mL | 34.490303154 tsp |
175 mL | 35.504723835 tsp |
180 mL | 36.519144516 tsp |
185 mL | 37.533565197 tsp |
190 mL | 38.547985878 tsp |
195 mL | 39.562406559 tsp |
200 mL | 40.57682724 tsp |
205 mL | 41.591247921 tsp |
210 mL | 42.605668602 tsp |
215 mL | 43.620089283 tsp |
220 mL | 44.634509964 tsp |
225 mL | 45.648930645 tsp |
230 mL | 46.663351326 tsp |
235 mL | 47.677772007 tsp |
240 mL | 48.692192688 tsp |
245 mL | 49.706613369 tsp |
250 mL | 50.72103405 tsp |
255 mL | 51.735454731 tsp |
260 mL | 52.749875412 tsp |
265 mL | 53.764296093 tsp |
270 mL | 54.778716774 tsp |
275 mL | 55.793137455 tsp |
280 mL | 56.807558136 tsp |
285 mL | 57.821978817 tsp |
290 mL | 58.836399498 tsp |
295 mL | 59.850820179 tsp |