Ounces to Gallon Conversion (fl oz to gal)
How Many Gallon in a Ounce?
There are 0.0078125000004244 gallon in a ounce.
1 Ounce is equal to 0.0078125000004244 Gallon.
1 fl oz = 0.0078125000004244 gal
Ounces to Gallon Conversions
Ounces Definition
Known as the US fluid ounce, the unit of volume for liquid substances is used as ounce in the US and other countries practicing the US Customary system. It is equals to approximately 1/8 of US cup, 1/16 of US pint, approximately 1.040842731 Imperial Fluid Ounces, 2 tablespoons or 6 teaspoons. The name ounce is derived from an old Latin word Onza, and the symbol adopted for this unit is fl oz.
Convert OuncesGallon Definition
A gallon is a unit of volume measurement used widely in the US and a few other countries of the world. The US gallon is usually used for measuring volume of liquid or gaseous substances like gasoline, other types of fuel, etc. One US gallon is equal to roughly 3.79 liters, or 231 cubic inches.
Convert GallonAbout fl oz to gal Converter
This is a very easy to use ounces to gallon converter. First of all just type the ounces (fl oz) value in the text field of the conversion form to start converting fl oz to gal, then select the decimals value and finally hit convert button if auto calculation didn't work. Gallon value will be converted automatically as you type.
The decimals value is the number of digits to be calculated or rounded of the result of ounces to gallon conversion.
You can also check the ounces to gallon conversion chart below, or go back to ounces to gallon converter to top.
Ounces to Gallon Conversion Chart
Ounces | Gallon |
1 fl oz | 0.0078125000004244 gal |
2 fl oz | 0.015625000000849 gal |
3 fl oz | 0.023437500001273 gal |
4 fl oz | 0.031250000001698 gal |
5 fl oz | 0.039062500002122 gal |
6 fl oz | 0.046875000002546 gal |
7 fl oz | 0.054687500002971 gal |
8 fl oz | 0.062500000003395 gal |
9 fl oz | 0.070312500003819 gal |
10 fl oz | 0.078125000004244 gal |
11 fl oz | 0.085937500004668 gal |
12 fl oz | 0.093750000005093 gal |
13 fl oz | 0.10156250000552 gal |
14 fl oz | 0.10937500000594 gal |
15 fl oz | 0.11718750000637 gal |
16 fl oz | 0.12500000000679 gal |
17 fl oz | 0.13281250000721 gal |
18 fl oz | 0.14062500000764 gal |
19 fl oz | 0.14843750000806 gal |
20 fl oz | 0.15625000000849 gal |
21 fl oz | 0.16406250000891 gal |
22 fl oz | 0.17187500000934 gal |
23 fl oz | 0.17968750000976 gal |
24 fl oz | 0.18750000001019 gal |
25 fl oz | 0.19531250001061 gal |
26 fl oz | 0.20312500001103 gal |
27 fl oz | 0.21093750001146 gal |
28 fl oz | 0.21875000001188 gal |
29 fl oz | 0.22656250001231 gal |
30 fl oz | 0.23437500001273 gal |
31 fl oz | 0.24218750001316 gal |
32 fl oz | 0.25000000001358 gal |
33 fl oz | 0.257812500014 gal |
34 fl oz | 0.26562500001443 gal |
35 fl oz | 0.27343750001485 gal |
36 fl oz | 0.28125000001528 gal |
37 fl oz | 0.2890625000157 gal |
38 fl oz | 0.29687500001613 gal |
39 fl oz | 0.30468750001655 gal |
40 fl oz | 0.31250000001698 gal |
41 fl oz | 0.3203125000174 gal |
42 fl oz | 0.32812500001782 gal |
43 fl oz | 0.33593750001825 gal |
44 fl oz | 0.34375000001867 gal |
45 fl oz | 0.3515625000191 gal |
46 fl oz | 0.35937500001952 gal |
47 fl oz | 0.36718750001995 gal |
48 fl oz | 0.37500000002037 gal |
49 fl oz | 0.38281250002079 gal |
50 fl oz | 0.39062500002122 gal |
Ounces | Gallon |
50 fl oz | 0.39062500002122 gal |
55 fl oz | 0.42968750002334 gal |
60 fl oz | 0.46875000002546 gal |
65 fl oz | 0.50781250002758 gal |
70 fl oz | 0.54687500002971 gal |
75 fl oz | 0.58593750003183 gal |
80 fl oz | 0.62500000003395 gal |
85 fl oz | 0.66406250003607 gal |
90 fl oz | 0.70312500003819 gal |
95 fl oz | 0.74218750004032 gal |
100 fl oz | 0.78125000004244 gal |
105 fl oz | 0.82031250004456 gal |
110 fl oz | 0.85937500004668 gal |
115 fl oz | 0.8984375000488 gal |
120 fl oz | 0.93750000005093 gal |
125 fl oz | 0.97656250005305 gal |
130 fl oz | 1.0156250000552 gal |
135 fl oz | 1.0546875000573 gal |
140 fl oz | 1.0937500000594 gal |
145 fl oz | 1.1328125000615 gal |
150 fl oz | 1.1718750000637 gal |
155 fl oz | 1.2109375000658 gal |
160 fl oz | 1.2500000000679 gal |
165 fl oz | 1.28906250007 gal |
170 fl oz | 1.3281250000721 gal |
175 fl oz | 1.3671875000743 gal |
180 fl oz | 1.4062500000764 gal |
185 fl oz | 1.4453125000785 gal |
190 fl oz | 1.4843750000806 gal |
195 fl oz | 1.5234375000828 gal |
200 fl oz | 1.5625000000849 gal |
205 fl oz | 1.601562500087 gal |
210 fl oz | 1.6406250000891 gal |
215 fl oz | 1.6796875000912 gal |
220 fl oz | 1.7187500000934 gal |
225 fl oz | 1.7578125000955 gal |
230 fl oz | 1.7968750000976 gal |
235 fl oz | 1.8359375000997 gal |
240 fl oz | 1.8750000001019 gal |
245 fl oz | 1.914062500104 gal |
250 fl oz | 1.9531250001061 gal |
255 fl oz | 1.9921875001082 gal |
260 fl oz | 2.0312500001103 gal |
265 fl oz | 2.0703125001125 gal |
270 fl oz | 2.1093750001146 gal |
275 fl oz | 2.1484375001167 gal |
280 fl oz | 2.1875000001188 gal |
285 fl oz | 2.2265625001209 gal |
290 fl oz | 2.2656250001231 gal |
295 fl oz | 2.3046875001252 gal |