Pint UK to Liter Conversion (pint UK to L)

1 pint UK = 0.56826125 L
Swap » Liter to Pint UK 

pint UK: Pint UK, L: Liter

Convert Volume Units

How Many Liter in a Pint UK?

There are 0.56826125 liter in a pint uk.
1 Pint UK is equal to 0.56826125 Liter.
1 pint UK = 0.56826125 L

Pint UK to Liter Conversions

1 pint UK = 0.568261 L
0 pint UK = 0 L
4.5 pint UK = 2.557176 L
0.5 pint UK = 0.284131 L
96 pint UK = 54.55308 L
8 pint UK = 4.54609 L
2.75 pint UK = 1.562718 L
2.5 pint UK = 1.420653 L
6 pint UK = 3.409568 L
1.5 pint UK = 0.852392 L
20 pint UK = 11.365225 L
12 pint UK = 6.819135 L
10 pint UK = 5.682613 L
2.25 pint UK = 1.278588 L
3.5 pint UK = 1.988914 L
4 pint UK = 2.273045 L
32 pint UK = 18.18436 L
2 pint UK = 1.136523 L
40 pint UK = 22.73045 L

Pint UK Definition

The Imperial pint is a unit for volume measurement of liquid substances. This unit is widely used in the Commonwealth countries for measuring beverages, etc. One Imperial pint is about 568 mL, and it is a bit larger compared to the liquid pint used in the US. The symbol for the Imperial pint is pt.

Convert Pint UK

Liter Definition

A liter is a non-metric unit of volume which is equal to the volume of a cube with 10 cm on each side. It is a non-SI unit, which recognizes the same volume unit as a cubic decimeter. Originated from an ancient French measurement system, a liter is now used very widely around the world for measuring volume of all kinds of liquid substances. It has go a symbol of l (or L).

Convert Liter

About pint UK to L Converter

This is a very easy to use pint uk to liter converter. First of all just type the pint uk (pint UK) value in the text field of the conversion form to start converting pint UK to L, then select the decimals value and finally hit convert button if auto calculation didn't work. Liter value will be converted automatically as you type.

The decimals value is the number of digits to be calculated or rounded of the result of pint uk to liter conversion.

You can also check the pint uk to liter conversion chart below, or go back to pint uk to liter converter to top.

Pint UK to Liter Conversion Chart
Pint UKLiter
1 pint UK0.56826125 L
2 pint UK1.1365225 L
3 pint UK1.70478375 L
4 pint UK2.273045 L
5 pint UK2.84130625 L
6 pint UK3.4095675 L
7 pint UK3.97782875 L
8 pint UK4.54609 L
9 pint UK5.11435125 L
10 pint UK5.6826125 L
11 pint UK6.25087375 L
12 pint UK6.819135 L
13 pint UK7.38739625 L
14 pint UK7.9556575 L
15 pint UK8.52391875 L
16 pint UK9.09218 L
17 pint UK9.66044125 L
18 pint UK10.2287025 L
19 pint UK10.79696375 L
20 pint UK11.365225 L
21 pint UK11.93348625 L
22 pint UK12.5017475 L
23 pint UK13.07000875 L
24 pint UK13.63827 L
25 pint UK14.20653125 L
26 pint UK14.7747925 L
27 pint UK15.34305375 L
28 pint UK15.911315 L
29 pint UK16.47957625 L
30 pint UK17.0478375 L
31 pint UK17.61609875 L
32 pint UK18.18436 L
33 pint UK18.75262125 L
34 pint UK19.3208825 L
35 pint UK19.88914375 L
36 pint UK20.457405 L
37 pint UK21.02566625 L
38 pint UK21.5939275 L
39 pint UK22.16218875 L
40 pint UK22.73045 L
41 pint UK23.29871125 L
42 pint UK23.8669725 L
43 pint UK24.43523375 L
44 pint UK25.003495 L
45 pint UK25.57175625 L
46 pint UK26.1400175 L
47 pint UK26.70827875 L
48 pint UK27.27654 L
49 pint UK27.84480125 L
50 pint UK28.4130625 L
Pint UKLiter
50 pint UK28.4130625 L
55 pint UK31.25436875 L
60 pint UK34.095675 L
65 pint UK36.93698125 L
70 pint UK39.7782875 L
75 pint UK42.61959375 L
80 pint UK45.4609 L
85 pint UK48.30220625 L
90 pint UK51.1435125 L
95 pint UK53.98481875 L
100 pint UK56.826125 L
105 pint UK59.66743125 L
110 pint UK62.5087375 L
115 pint UK65.35004375 L
120 pint UK68.19135 L
125 pint UK71.03265625 L
130 pint UK73.8739625 L
135 pint UK76.71526875 L
140 pint UK79.556575 L
145 pint UK82.39788125 L
150 pint UK85.2391875 L
155 pint UK88.08049375 L
160 pint UK90.9218 L
165 pint UK93.76310625 L
170 pint UK96.6044125 L
175 pint UK99.44571875 L
180 pint UK102.287025 L
185 pint UK105.12833125 L
190 pint UK107.9696375 L
195 pint UK110.81094375 L
200 pint UK113.65225 L
205 pint UK116.49355625 L
210 pint UK119.3348625 L
215 pint UK122.17616875 L
220 pint UK125.017475 L
225 pint UK127.85878125 L
230 pint UK130.7000875 L
235 pint UK133.54139375 L
240 pint UK136.3827 L
245 pint UK139.22400625 L
250 pint UK142.0653125 L
255 pint UK144.90661875 L
260 pint UK147.747925 L
265 pint UK150.58923125 L
270 pint UK153.4305375 L
275 pint UK156.27184375 L
280 pint UK159.11315 L
285 pint UK161.95445625 L
290 pint UK164.7957625 L
295 pint UK167.63706875 L

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