Quart to Cubic Meter Conversion (quart to m³)
How Many Cubic Meter in a Quart?
There are 0.00094635294599999 cubic meter in a quart.
1 Quart is equal to 0.00094635294599999 Cubic Meter.
1 quart = 0.00094635294599999 m³
Quart to Cubic Meter Conversions
Quart Definition
A quart is a very popular unit of volume used in the countries which adopted the Imperial or the US customary systems of measurement. It is used mainly for measuring the volumes of liquid substances like water, beverages, milk, etc. One quart is equal to 4 cups, 2 pints, and 1/4th of a gallon. The exact correspondence of an Imperial quart to the SI unit is 1 quart is 1.1365225 liters.
Convert QuartCubic Meter Definition
A base unit of measurement for volume, a cubic meter is representing the volume which is equal to the one of a cube with 1 meter at each side. This unit is very popular and very widely used around the world even in the countries like the UK, the US, and other ones which adopted the Imperial system. One cubic meter is equal to 1,000 liters, roughly 1.31 cubic yards, or roughly 35.3 cubic feet.
Convert Cubic MeterAbout quart to m³ Converter
This is a very easy to use quart to cubic meter converter. First of all just type the quart (quart) value in the text field of the conversion form to start converting quart to m³, then select the decimals value and finally hit convert button if auto calculation didn't work. Cubic Meter value will be converted automatically as you type.
The decimals value is the number of digits to be calculated or rounded of the result of quart to cubic meter conversion.
You can also check the quart to cubic meter conversion chart below, or go back to quart to cubic meter converter to top.
Quart to Cubic Meter Conversion Chart
Quart | Cubic Meter |
1 quart | 0.00094635294599999 m³ |
2 quart | 0.001892705892 m³ |
3 quart | 0.002839058838 m³ |
4 quart | 0.003785411784 m³ |
5 quart | 0.00473176473 m³ |
6 quart | 0.005678117676 m³ |
7 quart | 0.006624470622 m³ |
8 quart | 0.007570823568 m³ |
9 quart | 0.0085171765139999 m³ |
10 quart | 0.0094635294599999 m³ |
11 quart | 0.010409882406 m³ |
12 quart | 0.011356235352 m³ |
13 quart | 0.012302588298 m³ |
14 quart | 0.013248941244 m³ |
15 quart | 0.01419529419 m³ |
16 quart | 0.015141647136 m³ |
17 quart | 0.016088000082 m³ |
18 quart | 0.017034353028 m³ |
19 quart | 0.017980705974 m³ |
20 quart | 0.01892705892 m³ |
21 quart | 0.019873411866 m³ |
22 quart | 0.020819764812 m³ |
23 quart | 0.021766117758 m³ |
24 quart | 0.022712470704 m³ |
25 quart | 0.02365882365 m³ |
26 quart | 0.024605176596 m³ |
27 quart | 0.025551529542 m³ |
28 quart | 0.026497882488 m³ |
29 quart | 0.027444235434 m³ |
30 quart | 0.02839058838 m³ |
31 quart | 0.029336941326 m³ |
32 quart | 0.030283294272 m³ |
33 quart | 0.031229647218 m³ |
34 quart | 0.032176000164 m³ |
35 quart | 0.03312235311 m³ |
36 quart | 0.034068706056 m³ |
37 quart | 0.035015059002 m³ |
38 quart | 0.035961411948 m³ |
39 quart | 0.036907764894 m³ |
40 quart | 0.03785411784 m³ |
41 quart | 0.038800470786 m³ |
42 quart | 0.039746823732 m³ |
43 quart | 0.040693176678 m³ |
44 quart | 0.041639529624 m³ |
45 quart | 0.04258588257 m³ |
46 quart | 0.043532235516 m³ |
47 quart | 0.044478588462 m³ |
48 quart | 0.045424941408 m³ |
49 quart | 0.046371294354 m³ |
50 quart | 0.0473176473 m³ |
Quart | Cubic Meter |
50 quart | 0.0473176473 m³ |
55 quart | 0.05204941203 m³ |
60 quart | 0.05678117676 m³ |
65 quart | 0.06151294149 m³ |
70 quart | 0.06624470622 m³ |
75 quart | 0.07097647095 m³ |
80 quart | 0.07570823568 m³ |
85 quart | 0.08044000041 m³ |
90 quart | 0.085171765139999 m³ |
95 quart | 0.089903529869999 m³ |
100 quart | 0.094635294599999 m³ |
105 quart | 0.099367059329999 m³ |
110 quart | 0.10409882406 m³ |
115 quart | 0.10883058879 m³ |
120 quart | 0.11356235352 m³ |
125 quart | 0.11829411825 m³ |
130 quart | 0.12302588298 m³ |
135 quart | 0.12775764771 m³ |
140 quart | 0.13248941244 m³ |
145 quart | 0.13722117717 m³ |
150 quart | 0.1419529419 m³ |
155 quart | 0.14668470663 m³ |
160 quart | 0.15141647136 m³ |
165 quart | 0.15614823609 m³ |
170 quart | 0.16088000082 m³ |
175 quart | 0.16561176555 m³ |
180 quart | 0.17034353028 m³ |
185 quart | 0.17507529501 m³ |
190 quart | 0.17980705974 m³ |
195 quart | 0.18453882447 m³ |
200 quart | 0.1892705892 m³ |
205 quart | 0.19400235393 m³ |
210 quart | 0.19873411866 m³ |
215 quart | 0.20346588339 m³ |
220 quart | 0.20819764812 m³ |
225 quart | 0.21292941285 m³ |
230 quart | 0.21766117758 m³ |
235 quart | 0.22239294231 m³ |
240 quart | 0.22712470704 m³ |
245 quart | 0.23185647177 m³ |
250 quart | 0.2365882365 m³ |
255 quart | 0.24132000123 m³ |
260 quart | 0.24605176596 m³ |
265 quart | 0.25078353069 m³ |
270 quart | 0.25551529542 m³ |
275 quart | 0.26024706015 m³ |
280 quart | 0.26497882488 m³ |
285 quart | 0.26971058961 m³ |
290 quart | 0.27444235434 m³ |
295 quart | 0.27917411907 m³ |