Quart to Gallon Conversion (quart to gal)
How Many Gallon in a Quart?
There are 0.24999999999995 gallon in a quart.
1 Quart is equal to 0.24999999999995 Gallon.
1 quart = 0.24999999999995 gal
Quart to Gallon Conversions
Quart Definition
A quart is a very popular unit of volume used in the countries which adopted the Imperial or the US customary systems of measurement. It is used mainly for measuring the volumes of liquid substances like water, beverages, milk, etc. One quart is equal to 4 cups, 2 pints, and 1/4th of a gallon. The exact correspondence of an Imperial quart to the SI unit is 1 quart is 1.1365225 liters.
Convert QuartGallon Definition
A gallon is a unit of volume measurement used widely in the US and a few other countries of the world. The US gallon is usually used for measuring volume of liquid or gaseous substances like gasoline, other types of fuel, etc. One US gallon is equal to roughly 3.79 liters, or 231 cubic inches.
Convert GallonAbout quart to gal Converter
This is a very easy to use quart to gallon converter. First of all just type the quart (quart) value in the text field of the conversion form to start converting quart to gal, then select the decimals value and finally hit convert button if auto calculation didn't work. Gallon value will be converted automatically as you type.
The decimals value is the number of digits to be calculated or rounded of the result of quart to gallon conversion.
You can also check the quart to gallon conversion chart below, or go back to quart to gallon converter to top.
Quart to Gallon Conversion Chart
Quart | Gallon |
1 quart | 0.24999999999995 gal |
2 quart | 0.49999999999991 gal |
3 quart | 0.74999999999986 gal |
4 quart | 0.99999999999981 gal |
5 quart | 1.2499999999998 gal |
6 quart | 1.4999999999997 gal |
7 quart | 1.7499999999997 gal |
8 quart | 1.9999999999996 gal |
9 quart | 2.2499999999996 gal |
10 quart | 2.4999999999995 gal |
11 quart | 2.7499999999995 gal |
12 quart | 2.9999999999994 gal |
13 quart | 3.2499999999994 gal |
14 quart | 3.4999999999993 gal |
15 quart | 3.7499999999993 gal |
16 quart | 3.9999999999992 gal |
17 quart | 4.2499999999992 gal |
18 quart | 4.4999999999991 gal |
19 quart | 4.7499999999991 gal |
20 quart | 4.9999999999991 gal |
21 quart | 5.249999999999 gal |
22 quart | 5.499999999999 gal |
23 quart | 5.7499999999989 gal |
24 quart | 5.9999999999989 gal |
25 quart | 6.2499999999988 gal |
26 quart | 6.4999999999988 gal |
27 quart | 6.7499999999987 gal |
28 quart | 6.9999999999987 gal |
29 quart | 7.2499999999986 gal |
30 quart | 7.4999999999986 gal |
31 quart | 7.7499999999985 gal |
32 quart | 7.9999999999985 gal |
33 quart | 8.2499999999984 gal |
34 quart | 8.4999999999984 gal |
35 quart | 8.7499999999983 gal |
36 quart | 8.9999999999983 gal |
37 quart | 9.2499999999983 gal |
38 quart | 9.4999999999982 gal |
39 quart | 9.7499999999982 gal |
40 quart | 9.9999999999981 gal |
41 quart | 10.249999999998 gal |
42 quart | 10.499999999998 gal |
43 quart | 10.749999999998 gal |
44 quart | 10.999999999998 gal |
45 quart | 11.249999999998 gal |
46 quart | 11.499999999998 gal |
47 quart | 11.749999999998 gal |
48 quart | 11.999999999998 gal |
49 quart | 12.249999999998 gal |
50 quart | 12.499999999998 gal |
Quart | Gallon |
50 quart | 12.499999999998 gal |
55 quart | 13.749999999997 gal |
60 quart | 14.999999999997 gal |
65 quart | 16.249999999997 gal |
70 quart | 17.499999999997 gal |
75 quart | 18.749999999996 gal |
80 quart | 19.999999999996 gal |
85 quart | 21.249999999996 gal |
90 quart | 22.499999999996 gal |
95 quart | 23.749999999996 gal |
100 quart | 24.999999999995 gal |
105 quart | 26.249999999995 gal |
110 quart | 27.499999999995 gal |
115 quart | 28.749999999995 gal |
120 quart | 29.999999999994 gal |
125 quart | 31.249999999994 gal |
130 quart | 32.499999999994 gal |
135 quart | 33.749999999994 gal |
140 quart | 34.999999999993 gal |
145 quart | 36.249999999993 gal |
150 quart | 37.499999999993 gal |
155 quart | 38.749999999993 gal |
160 quart | 39.999999999992 gal |
165 quart | 41.249999999992 gal |
170 quart | 42.499999999992 gal |
175 quart | 43.749999999992 gal |
180 quart | 44.999999999991 gal |
185 quart | 46.249999999991 gal |
190 quart | 47.499999999991 gal |
195 quart | 48.749999999991 gal |
200 quart | 49.999999999991 gal |
205 quart | 51.24999999999 gal |
210 quart | 52.49999999999 gal |
215 quart | 53.74999999999 gal |
220 quart | 54.99999999999 gal |
225 quart | 56.249999999989 gal |
230 quart | 57.499999999989 gal |
235 quart | 58.749999999989 gal |
240 quart | 59.999999999989 gal |
245 quart | 61.249999999988 gal |
250 quart | 62.499999999988 gal |
255 quart | 63.749999999988 gal |
260 quart | 64.999999999988 gal |
265 quart | 66.249999999987 gal |
270 quart | 67.499999999987 gal |
275 quart | 68.749999999987 gal |
280 quart | 69.999999999987 gal |
285 quart | 71.249999999987 gal |
290 quart | 72.499999999986 gal |
295 quart | 73.749999999986 gal |