Tablespoon to Cubic Feet Conversion (tbsp to ft³)
How Many Cubic Feet in a Tablespoon?
There are 0.00052218967016752 cubic feet in a tablespoon.
1 Tablespoon is equal to 0.00052218967016752 Cubic Feet.
1 tbsp = 0.00052218967016752 ft³
Tablespoon to Cubic Feet Conversions
Tablespoon Definition
A tablespoon is a non-scientific but very widely used unit of volume, which works very well in cooking, herbal medicine, etc. It is represented by a capacity of one tablespoon which varies from roughly 15 mL in the US to 20 mL in Australia. The main advantage of this unit is its being very handy. A tablespoon is commonly abbreviated to tbs or tblspn.
Convert TablespoonCubic Feet Definition
A cubic foot (pl cubic feet) is a unit of measuring volume used by those countries who recognize the Imperial system and the US customary system (the US, the UK, a series of countries in African and the Pacific regions, etc.) A cubic foot is equal to the volume of a cube with each side of 0.3048 meter, or 1 foot. Thus, the volume represented by this unit is equal to approximately 1/35th of a cubic meter, or 28.3168 liters.
Convert Cubic FeetAbout tbsp to ft³ Converter
This is a very easy to use tablespoon to cubic feet converter. First of all just type the tablespoon (tbsp) value in the text field of the conversion form to start converting tbsp to ft³, then select the decimals value and finally hit convert button if auto calculation didn't work. Cubic Feet value will be converted automatically as you type.
The decimals value is the number of digits to be calculated or rounded of the result of tablespoon to cubic feet conversion.
You can also check the tablespoon to cubic feet conversion chart below, or go back to tablespoon to cubic feet converter to top.
Tablespoon to Cubic Feet Conversion Chart
Tablespoon | Cubic Feet |
1 tbsp | 0.00052218967016752 ft³ |
2 tbsp | 0.001044379340335 ft³ |
3 tbsp | 0.0015665690105026 ft³ |
4 tbsp | 0.0020887586806701 ft³ |
5 tbsp | 0.0026109483508376 ft³ |
6 tbsp | 0.0031331380210051 ft³ |
7 tbsp | 0.0036553276911726 ft³ |
8 tbsp | 0.0041775173613402 ft³ |
9 tbsp | 0.0046997070315077 ft³ |
10 tbsp | 0.0052218967016752 ft³ |
11 tbsp | 0.0057440863718427 ft³ |
12 tbsp | 0.0062662760420102 ft³ |
13 tbsp | 0.0067884657121777 ft³ |
14 tbsp | 0.0073106553823453 ft³ |
15 tbsp | 0.0078328450525128 ft³ |
16 tbsp | 0.0083550347226803 ft³ |
17 tbsp | 0.0088772243928478 ft³ |
18 tbsp | 0.0093994140630153 ft³ |
19 tbsp | 0.0099216037331829 ft³ |
20 tbsp | 0.01044379340335 ft³ |
21 tbsp | 0.010965983073518 ft³ |
22 tbsp | 0.011488172743685 ft³ |
23 tbsp | 0.012010362413853 ft³ |
24 tbsp | 0.01253255208402 ft³ |
25 tbsp | 0.013054741754188 ft³ |
26 tbsp | 0.013576931424355 ft³ |
27 tbsp | 0.014099121094523 ft³ |
28 tbsp | 0.014621310764691 ft³ |
29 tbsp | 0.015143500434858 ft³ |
30 tbsp | 0.015665690105026 ft³ |
31 tbsp | 0.016187879775193 ft³ |
32 tbsp | 0.016710069445361 ft³ |
33 tbsp | 0.017232259115528 ft³ |
34 tbsp | 0.017754448785696 ft³ |
35 tbsp | 0.018276638455863 ft³ |
36 tbsp | 0.018798828126031 ft³ |
37 tbsp | 0.019321017796198 ft³ |
38 tbsp | 0.019843207466366 ft³ |
39 tbsp | 0.020365397136533 ft³ |
40 tbsp | 0.020887586806701 ft³ |
41 tbsp | 0.021409776476868 ft³ |
42 tbsp | 0.021931966147036 ft³ |
43 tbsp | 0.022454155817203 ft³ |
44 tbsp | 0.022976345487371 ft³ |
45 tbsp | 0.023498535157538 ft³ |
46 tbsp | 0.024020724827706 ft³ |
47 tbsp | 0.024542914497873 ft³ |
48 tbsp | 0.025065104168041 ft³ |
49 tbsp | 0.025587293838208 ft³ |
50 tbsp | 0.026109483508376 ft³ |
Tablespoon | Cubic Feet |
50 tbsp | 0.026109483508376 ft³ |
55 tbsp | 0.028720431859214 ft³ |
60 tbsp | 0.031331380210051 ft³ |
65 tbsp | 0.033942328560889 ft³ |
70 tbsp | 0.036553276911726 ft³ |
75 tbsp | 0.039164225262564 ft³ |
80 tbsp | 0.041775173613402 ft³ |
85 tbsp | 0.044386121964239 ft³ |
90 tbsp | 0.046997070315077 ft³ |
95 tbsp | 0.049608018665914 ft³ |
100 tbsp | 0.052218967016752 ft³ |
105 tbsp | 0.054829915367589 ft³ |
110 tbsp | 0.057440863718427 ft³ |
115 tbsp | 0.060051812069265 ft³ |
120 tbsp | 0.062662760420102 ft³ |
125 tbsp | 0.06527370877094 ft³ |
130 tbsp | 0.067884657121777 ft³ |
135 tbsp | 0.070495605472615 ft³ |
140 tbsp | 0.073106553823453 ft³ |
145 tbsp | 0.07571750217429 ft³ |
150 tbsp | 0.078328450525128 ft³ |
155 tbsp | 0.080939398875965 ft³ |
160 tbsp | 0.083550347226803 ft³ |
165 tbsp | 0.086161295577641 ft³ |
170 tbsp | 0.088772243928478 ft³ |
175 tbsp | 0.091383192279316 ft³ |
180 tbsp | 0.093994140630153 ft³ |
185 tbsp | 0.096605088980991 ft³ |
190 tbsp | 0.099216037331829 ft³ |
195 tbsp | 0.10182698568267 ft³ |
200 tbsp | 0.1044379340335 ft³ |
205 tbsp | 0.10704888238434 ft³ |
210 tbsp | 0.10965983073518 ft³ |
215 tbsp | 0.11227077908602 ft³ |
220 tbsp | 0.11488172743685 ft³ |
225 tbsp | 0.11749267578769 ft³ |
230 tbsp | 0.12010362413853 ft³ |
235 tbsp | 0.12271457248937 ft³ |
240 tbsp | 0.1253255208402 ft³ |
245 tbsp | 0.12793646919104 ft³ |
250 tbsp | 0.13054741754188 ft³ |
255 tbsp | 0.13315836589272 ft³ |
260 tbsp | 0.13576931424355 ft³ |
265 tbsp | 0.13838026259439 ft³ |
270 tbsp | 0.14099121094523 ft³ |
275 tbsp | 0.14360215929607 ft³ |
280 tbsp | 0.14621310764691 ft³ |
285 tbsp | 0.14882405599774 ft³ |
290 tbsp | 0.15143500434858 ft³ |
295 tbsp | 0.15404595269942 ft³ |