Teaspoon to Gallon Conversion (tsp to gal)

1 tsp = 0.0013020833334041 gal
Swap » Gallon to Teaspoon 

tsp: Teaspoon, gal: Gallon

Convert Volume Units

How Many Gallon in a Teaspoon?

There are 0.0013020833334041 gallon in a teaspoon.
1 Teaspoon is equal to 0.0013020833334041 Gallon.
1 tsp = 0.0013020833334041 gal

Teaspoon to Gallon Conversions

1 tsp = 0.001302 gal
768 tsp = 1 gal
2 tsp = 0.002604 gal
0.25 tsp = 0.000326 gal
750 tsp = 0.976563 gal
0.5 tsp = 0.000651 gal
10 tsp = 0.013021 gal
800 tsp = 1.041667 gal
770 tsp = 1.002604 gal
50 tsp = 0.065104 gal
6 tsp = 0.007813 gal
20 tsp = 0.026042 gal
767 tsp = 0.998698 gal
60 tsp = 0.078125 gal
-2.0E-6 tsp = -0 gal
-2.2E-5 tsp = -0 gal
12 tsp = 0.015625 gal
13020 tsp = 16.953125 gal
500 tsp = 0.651042 gal
1302 tsp = 1.695313 gal
830 tsp = 1.080729 gal
820 tsp = 1.067708 gal
700 tsp = 0.911458 gal
765 tsp = 0.996094 gal
775 tsp = 1.009115 gal
3 tsp = 0.003906 gal
30 tsp = 0.039063 gal
4 tsp = 0.005208 gal
25 tsp = 0.032552 gal
10000000 tsp = 13020.833334 gal
600 tsp = 0.78125 gal
100 tsp = 0.130208 gal
1000 tsp = 1.302083 gal
80 tsp = 0.104167 gal
42.9 tsp = 0.055859 gal
1302083 tsp = 1695.420573 gal
130 tsp = 0.169271 gal
1200 tsp = 1.5625 gal
966 tsp = 1.257813 gal
900 tsp = 1.171875 gal
878 tsp = 1.143229 gal
860 tsp = 1.119792 gal
850 tsp = 1.106771 gal
845 tsp = 1.10026 gal
840 tsp = 1.09375 gal
836 tsp = 1.088542 gal
825 tsp = 1.074219 gal
766 tsp = 0.997396 gal

Teaspoon Definition

A teaspoon as a volume measuring unit is widely used in cooking, pharmaceutical medicine, and some other areas. A teaspoon is a very convenient unit of volume used since the middle of the 17th century. It is roughly equal to 1/3rd of a tablespoon, 1/48th of a US cup, 1/3rd of a cubic inch, or 5 mL. This unit can be abbreviated to tsp.

Convert Teaspoon

Gallon Definition

A gallon is a unit of volume measurement used widely in the US and a few other countries of the world. The US gallon is usually used for measuring volume of liquid or gaseous substances like gasoline, other types of fuel, etc. One US gallon is equal to roughly 3.79 liters, or 231 cubic inches.

Convert Gallon

About tsp to gal Converter

This is a very easy to use teaspoon to gallon converter. First of all just type the teaspoon (tsp) value in the text field of the conversion form to start converting tsp to gal, then select the decimals value and finally hit convert button if auto calculation didn't work. Gallon value will be converted automatically as you type.

The decimals value is the number of digits to be calculated or rounded of the result of teaspoon to gallon conversion.

You can also check the teaspoon to gallon conversion chart below, or go back to teaspoon to gallon converter to top.

Teaspoon to Gallon Conversion Chart
1 tsp0.0013020833334041 gal
2 tsp0.0026041666668081 gal
3 tsp0.0039062500002122 gal
4 tsp0.0052083333336163 gal
5 tsp0.0065104166670203 gal
6 tsp0.0078125000004244 gal
7 tsp0.0091145833338284 gal
8 tsp0.010416666667233 gal
9 tsp0.011718750000637 gal
10 tsp0.013020833334041 gal
11 tsp0.014322916667445 gal
12 tsp0.015625000000849 gal
13 tsp0.016927083334253 gal
14 tsp0.018229166667657 gal
15 tsp0.019531250001061 gal
16 tsp0.020833333334465 gal
17 tsp0.022135416667869 gal
18 tsp0.023437500001273 gal
19 tsp0.024739583334677 gal
20 tsp0.026041666668081 gal
21 tsp0.027343750001485 gal
22 tsp0.028645833334889 gal
23 tsp0.029947916668293 gal
24 tsp0.031250000001698 gal
25 tsp0.032552083335102 gal
26 tsp0.033854166668506 gal
27 tsp0.03515625000191 gal
28 tsp0.036458333335314 gal
29 tsp0.037760416668718 gal
30 tsp0.039062500002122 gal
31 tsp0.040364583335526 gal
32 tsp0.04166666666893 gal
33 tsp0.042968750002334 gal
34 tsp0.044270833335738 gal
35 tsp0.045572916669142 gal
36 tsp0.046875000002546 gal
37 tsp0.04817708333595 gal
38 tsp0.049479166669354 gal
39 tsp0.050781250002758 gal
40 tsp0.052083333336163 gal
41 tsp0.053385416669567 gal
42 tsp0.054687500002971 gal
43 tsp0.055989583336375 gal
44 tsp0.057291666669779 gal
45 tsp0.058593750003183 gal
46 tsp0.059895833336587 gal
47 tsp0.061197916669991 gal
48 tsp0.062500000003395 gal
49 tsp0.063802083336799 gal
50 tsp0.065104166670203 gal
50 tsp0.065104166670203 gal
55 tsp0.071614583337223 gal
60 tsp0.078125000004244 gal
65 tsp0.084635416671264 gal
70 tsp0.091145833338284 gal
75 tsp0.097656250005305 gal
80 tsp0.10416666667233 gal
85 tsp0.11067708333935 gal
90 tsp0.11718750000637 gal
95 tsp0.12369791667339 gal
100 tsp0.13020833334041 gal
105 tsp0.13671875000743 gal
110 tsp0.14322916667445 gal
115 tsp0.14973958334147 gal
120 tsp0.15625000000849 gal
125 tsp0.16276041667551 gal
130 tsp0.16927083334253 gal
135 tsp0.17578125000955 gal
140 tsp0.18229166667657 gal
145 tsp0.18880208334359 gal
150 tsp0.19531250001061 gal
155 tsp0.20182291667763 gal
160 tsp0.20833333334465 gal
165 tsp0.21484375001167 gal
170 tsp0.22135416667869 gal
175 tsp0.22786458334571 gal
180 tsp0.23437500001273 gal
185 tsp0.24088541667975 gal
190 tsp0.24739583334677 gal
195 tsp0.25390625001379 gal
200 tsp0.26041666668081 gal
205 tsp0.26692708334783 gal
210 tsp0.27343750001485 gal
215 tsp0.27994791668187 gal
220 tsp0.28645833334889 gal
225 tsp0.29296875001591 gal
230 tsp0.29947916668293 gal
235 tsp0.30598958334995 gal
240 tsp0.31250000001698 gal
245 tsp0.319010416684 gal
250 tsp0.32552083335102 gal
255 tsp0.33203125001804 gal
260 tsp0.33854166668506 gal
265 tsp0.34505208335208 gal
270 tsp0.3515625000191 gal
275 tsp0.35807291668612 gal
280 tsp0.36458333335314 gal
285 tsp0.37109375002016 gal
290 tsp0.37760416668718 gal
295 tsp0.3841145833542 gal

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