Teaspoon to Quart Conversion (tsp to quart)
How Many Quart in a Teaspoon?
There are 0.0052083333336172 quart in a teaspoon.
1 Teaspoon is equal to 0.0052083333336172 Quart.
1 tsp = 0.0052083333336172 quart
Teaspoon to Quart Conversions
Teaspoon Definition
A teaspoon as a volume measuring unit is widely used in cooking, pharmaceutical medicine, and some other areas. A teaspoon is a very convenient unit of volume used since the middle of the 17th century. It is roughly equal to 1/3rd of a tablespoon, 1/48th of a US cup, 1/3rd of a cubic inch, or 5 mL. This unit can be abbreviated to tsp.
Convert TeaspoonQuart Definition
A quart is a very popular unit of volume used in the countries which adopted the Imperial or the US customary systems of measurement. It is used mainly for measuring the volumes of liquid substances like water, beverages, milk, etc. One quart is equal to 4 cups, 2 pints, and 1/4th of a gallon. The exact correspondence of an Imperial quart to the SI unit is 1 quart is 1.1365225 liters.
Convert QuartAbout tsp to quart Converter
This is a very easy to use teaspoon to quart converter. First of all just type the teaspoon (tsp) value in the text field of the conversion form to start converting tsp to quart, then select the decimals value and finally hit convert button if auto calculation didn't work. Quart value will be converted automatically as you type.
The decimals value is the number of digits to be calculated or rounded of the result of teaspoon to quart conversion.
You can also check the teaspoon to quart conversion chart below, or go back to teaspoon to quart converter to top.
Teaspoon to Quart Conversion Chart
Teaspoon | Quart |
1 tsp | 0.0052083333336172 quart |
2 tsp | 0.010416666667234 quart |
3 tsp | 0.015625000000852 quart |
4 tsp | 0.020833333334469 quart |
5 tsp | 0.026041666668086 quart |
6 tsp | 0.031250000001703 quart |
7 tsp | 0.036458333335321 quart |
8 tsp | 0.041666666668938 quart |
9 tsp | 0.046875000002555 quart |
10 tsp | 0.052083333336172 quart |
11 tsp | 0.05729166666979 quart |
12 tsp | 0.062500000003407 quart |
13 tsp | 0.067708333337024 quart |
14 tsp | 0.072916666670641 quart |
15 tsp | 0.078125000004259 quart |
16 tsp | 0.083333333337876 quart |
17 tsp | 0.088541666671493 quart |
18 tsp | 0.09375000000511 quart |
19 tsp | 0.098958333338728 quart |
20 tsp | 0.10416666667234 quart |
21 tsp | 0.10937500000596 quart |
22 tsp | 0.11458333333958 quart |
23 tsp | 0.1197916666732 quart |
24 tsp | 0.12500000000681 quart |
25 tsp | 0.13020833334043 quart |
26 tsp | 0.13541666667405 quart |
27 tsp | 0.14062500000767 quart |
28 tsp | 0.14583333334128 quart |
29 tsp | 0.1510416666749 quart |
30 tsp | 0.15625000000852 quart |
31 tsp | 0.16145833334213 quart |
32 tsp | 0.16666666667575 quart |
33 tsp | 0.17187500000937 quart |
34 tsp | 0.17708333334299 quart |
35 tsp | 0.1822916666766 quart |
36 tsp | 0.18750000001022 quart |
37 tsp | 0.19270833334384 quart |
38 tsp | 0.19791666667746 quart |
39 tsp | 0.20312500001107 quart |
40 tsp | 0.20833333334469 quart |
41 tsp | 0.21354166667831 quart |
42 tsp | 0.21875000001192 quart |
43 tsp | 0.22395833334554 quart |
44 tsp | 0.22916666667916 quart |
45 tsp | 0.23437500001278 quart |
46 tsp | 0.23958333334639 quart |
47 tsp | 0.24479166668001 quart |
48 tsp | 0.25000000001363 quart |
49 tsp | 0.25520833334724 quart |
50 tsp | 0.26041666668086 quart |
Teaspoon | Quart |
50 tsp | 0.26041666668086 quart |
55 tsp | 0.28645833334895 quart |
60 tsp | 0.31250000001703 quart |
65 tsp | 0.33854166668512 quart |
70 tsp | 0.36458333335321 quart |
75 tsp | 0.39062500002129 quart |
80 tsp | 0.41666666668938 quart |
85 tsp | 0.44270833335747 quart |
90 tsp | 0.46875000002555 quart |
95 tsp | 0.49479166669364 quart |
100 tsp | 0.52083333336172 quart |
105 tsp | 0.54687500002981 quart |
110 tsp | 0.5729166666979 quart |
115 tsp | 0.59895833336598 quart |
120 tsp | 0.62500000003407 quart |
125 tsp | 0.65104166670215 quart |
130 tsp | 0.67708333337024 quart |
135 tsp | 0.70312500003833 quart |
140 tsp | 0.72916666670641 quart |
145 tsp | 0.7552083333745 quart |
150 tsp | 0.78125000004259 quart |
155 tsp | 0.80729166671067 quart |
160 tsp | 0.83333333337876 quart |
165 tsp | 0.85937500004684 quart |
170 tsp | 0.88541666671493 quart |
175 tsp | 0.91145833338302 quart |
180 tsp | 0.9375000000511 quart |
185 tsp | 0.96354166671919 quart |
190 tsp | 0.98958333338728 quart |
195 tsp | 1.0156250000554 quart |
200 tsp | 1.0416666667234 quart |
205 tsp | 1.0677083333915 quart |
210 tsp | 1.0937500000596 quart |
215 tsp | 1.1197916667277 quart |
220 tsp | 1.1458333333958 quart |
225 tsp | 1.1718750000639 quart |
230 tsp | 1.197916666732 quart |
235 tsp | 1.2239583334001 quart |
240 tsp | 1.2500000000681 quart |
245 tsp | 1.2760416667362 quart |
250 tsp | 1.3020833334043 quart |
255 tsp | 1.3281250000724 quart |
260 tsp | 1.3541666667405 quart |
265 tsp | 1.3802083334086 quart |
270 tsp | 1.4062500000767 quart |
275 tsp | 1.4322916667447 quart |
280 tsp | 1.4583333334128 quart |
285 tsp | 1.4843750000809 quart |
290 tsp | 1.510416666749 quart |
295 tsp | 1.5364583334171 quart |