Dram to Cubic Inches Conversion (dram to in³)
How Many Cubic Inches in a Dram?
There are 0.22558746337965 cubic inches in a dram.
1 Dram is equal to 0.22558746337965 Cubic Inches.
1 dram = 0.22558746337965 in³
Dram to Cubic Inches Conversions
Dram Definition
A dram is a very old unit of mass used since the times of Ancient Greece. As the name suggests, it originated from the name of the Greek coin, a drachma, and is linked to the weight of this coin in the early epochs. There was also the Roman dram, which was a little lighter (roughly 3.41 grams) from the Greek dram (about 4.37 grams)
Convert DramCubic Inches Definition
One of the most commonly used unit of volume measurement in the Imperial and the US customary system, a cubic inch is equal to the volume of a cube with one inch at each of its side. The unit has got symbols of cu in, cui, or in3. A cubic inch is equal to 1/123 cubic feet, or 16.387064 milliliters, or approximately 1 tablespoon.
Convert Cubic InchesAbout dram to in³ Converter
This is a very easy to use dram to cubic inches converter. First of all just type the dram (dram) value in the text field of the conversion form to start converting dram to in³, then select the decimals value and finally hit convert button if auto calculation didn't work. Cubic Inches value will be converted automatically as you type.
The decimals value is the number of digits to be calculated or rounded of the result of dram to cubic inches conversion.
You can also check the dram to cubic inches conversion chart below, or go back to dram to cubic inches converter to top.
Dram to Cubic Inches Conversion Chart
Dram | Cubic Inches |
1 dram | 0.22558746337965 in³ |
2 dram | 0.4511749267593 in³ |
3 dram | 0.67676239013895 in³ |
4 dram | 0.9023498535186 in³ |
5 dram | 1.1279373168983 in³ |
6 dram | 1.3535247802779 in³ |
7 dram | 1.5791122436576 in³ |
8 dram | 1.8046997070372 in³ |
9 dram | 2.0302871704169 in³ |
10 dram | 2.2558746337965 in³ |
11 dram | 2.4814620971762 in³ |
12 dram | 2.7070495605558 in³ |
13 dram | 2.9326370239355 in³ |
14 dram | 3.1582244873151 in³ |
15 dram | 3.3838119506948 in³ |
16 dram | 3.6093994140744 in³ |
17 dram | 3.8349868774541 in³ |
18 dram | 4.0605743408337 in³ |
19 dram | 4.2861618042134 in³ |
20 dram | 4.511749267593 in³ |
21 dram | 4.7373367309727 in³ |
22 dram | 4.9629241943523 in³ |
23 dram | 5.188511657732 in³ |
24 dram | 5.4140991211116 in³ |
25 dram | 5.6396865844913 in³ |
26 dram | 5.8652740478709 in³ |
27 dram | 6.0908615112506 in³ |
28 dram | 6.3164489746302 in³ |
29 dram | 6.5420364380099 in³ |
30 dram | 6.7676239013895 in³ |
31 dram | 6.9932113647692 in³ |
32 dram | 7.2187988281488 in³ |
33 dram | 7.4443862915285 in³ |
34 dram | 7.6699737549081 in³ |
35 dram | 7.8955612182878 in³ |
36 dram | 8.1211486816674 in³ |
37 dram | 8.3467361450471 in³ |
38 dram | 8.5723236084267 in³ |
39 dram | 8.7979110718064 in³ |
40 dram | 9.0234985351861 in³ |
41 dram | 9.2490859985657 in³ |
42 dram | 9.4746734619454 in³ |
43 dram | 9.700260925325 in³ |
44 dram | 9.9258483887047 in³ |
45 dram | 10.151435852084 in³ |
46 dram | 10.377023315464 in³ |
47 dram | 10.602610778844 in³ |
48 dram | 10.828198242223 in³ |
49 dram | 11.053785705603 in³ |
50 dram | 11.279373168983 in³ |
Dram | Cubic Inches |
50 dram | 11.279373168983 in³ |
55 dram | 12.407310485881 in³ |
60 dram | 13.535247802779 in³ |
65 dram | 14.663185119677 in³ |
70 dram | 15.791122436576 in³ |
75 dram | 16.919059753474 in³ |
80 dram | 18.046997070372 in³ |
85 dram | 19.17493438727 in³ |
90 dram | 20.302871704169 in³ |
95 dram | 21.430809021067 in³ |
100 dram | 22.558746337965 in³ |
105 dram | 23.686683654863 in³ |
110 dram | 24.814620971762 in³ |
115 dram | 25.94255828866 in³ |
120 dram | 27.070495605558 in³ |
125 dram | 28.198432922456 in³ |
130 dram | 29.326370239355 in³ |
135 dram | 30.454307556253 in³ |
140 dram | 31.582244873151 in³ |
145 dram | 32.710182190049 in³ |
150 dram | 33.838119506948 in³ |
155 dram | 34.966056823846 in³ |
160 dram | 36.093994140744 in³ |
165 dram | 37.221931457642 in³ |
170 dram | 38.349868774541 in³ |
175 dram | 39.477806091439 in³ |
180 dram | 40.605743408337 in³ |
185 dram | 41.733680725235 in³ |
190 dram | 42.861618042134 in³ |
195 dram | 43.989555359032 in³ |
200 dram | 45.11749267593 in³ |
205 dram | 46.245429992829 in³ |
210 dram | 47.373367309727 in³ |
215 dram | 48.501304626625 in³ |
220 dram | 49.629241943523 in³ |
225 dram | 50.757179260422 in³ |
230 dram | 51.88511657732 in³ |
235 dram | 53.013053894218 in³ |
240 dram | 54.140991211116 in³ |
245 dram | 55.268928528015 in³ |
250 dram | 56.396865844913 in³ |
255 dram | 57.524803161811 in³ |
260 dram | 58.652740478709 in³ |
265 dram | 59.780677795608 in³ |
270 dram | 60.908615112506 in³ |
275 dram | 62.036552429404 in³ |
280 dram | 63.164489746302 in³ |
285 dram | 64.292427063201 in³ |
290 dram | 65.420364380099 in³ |
295 dram | 66.548301696997 in³ |